Supplies Needed: 3 Dice, Money, Alcohol {not in that order}
Game Concept:
(1) Participants need to decide how much money they want to play for. Often times, participants will all throw one or two dollars each into the pot as their ante.
(2) When the game begins, participants are trying to roll three of a kind, but not at the same time. The person who starts the game will roll two dice. If they roll a pair of doubles they have earned the right to roll one additional die. However, they must first pay a $1 fee (or whatever amount you set) to the pot in order to get that third die. Upon paying their fee and then rolling their die, they will win the pot if their die matches the pair, but they will be left to wonder what might have been if the third die does not match their pair. In the event they do not roll a match the participant then passes the dice on to the next victim.
(3) Every player gets one turn in the first round. For example, if Timmay is the first person in the game to roll and he rolls three of a kind, he does not automatically win. Contrary to what Timmay might think, this is not “bullshit.” All other participants get a chance to match Timmay’s three of a kind. If nobody matches Timmay’s three of a kind, Timmay collects the pot. In the event that another player matches Timmay’s three of a kind, it is a “one tie, all tie” and the game will go to a second round. Once the second round begins, whoever rolls a three of a kind first will collect the pot.
(4) After a participant has won the the pot and the game ends, the participant who was next in line to shake after the winner will start the next game.
A game with twists…..
$ If a participant rolls a pair of doubles they have the option of declaring a ZIMMY. If they declare a ZIMMY they are saying the third die will not match the pair, but will instead land “upside down.” For example, a player rolls a pair of aces can declare a ZIMMY. If he rolls the upside down number of an ace, a six, he wins. If the die lands on any other number, including an ace, he is a Packer….aka Loser.
$$ Within the game of Timmay Two Dice there are a number of rules that result in fines. The cost of a fine is the same amount as the fee to get the third die (typically $1).
Types of FINES:
Kanuch: Player rolls all three dice at one time…..FINE
CR: Player rolls a die off the table….FINE….If they roll both off the table….DOUBLE FINE
DURANDO: Player rolls out of turn….FINE
DEANER: Player rolls out of turn, and wins the pot….FINE….and the pot stays!
TIMMAY1: Player rolls a pair and does not pay his fee to get the third die…..FINE… his fee he forgot to pay.
TIMMAY2: Player does not pay his fee to get the third die, rolls it anyway, and the third die is a match to the doubles….NO POT….FINE….PLUS FEE…..NOT BULLSHIT.
MEYER: A non-rolling player tries to get you to roll out of turn…..Find a new spot to sit!!
Timmay Two Dice Creed
“As we gather around to banter and shake,
Friendship is what matters not the money at stake.
Luck is not measured by the cash won that night,
But instead by the memories with those to your left & right.
As you make new memories and win a few bucks,
Never, ever forget that WEST FARGO SUCKS!!”

The game begins with each player putting his or her piece on one of the squares of the game board that spells CANTINA. The object of the game is to move your piece across the table.
In this game, each player will roll three dice. A complete turn consists of three rolls. With each roll, the player retains the highest number rolled. Only one die is retained from each turn. So if a 6,6, and 3 are rolled, only one 6 is kept. Next, the remaining two dice are rolled and the highest one retained. Lastly, the third die is rolled. The three dice added together make that player’s score for that round. The exception would be if someone is trying to get 5 or under.
The player to the left of that roller now rolls their three turns to get a score. This continues until everyone playing has rolled. That is called a round.
The person with the highest value after each round moves one square closer to the finish line. All other competitors must drink from their cup. Just a social drink, not a shot or entire drink.
If the highest score is a tie among 2 or more players, no one advances and everyone drinks.
The rolling and drinking continue until someone finishes the race. That person gets to watch the others finish their drink. On to the next game as we have a winner!
If the players rolls 3 of a kind ON THE FIRST ROLL ONLY, they win the game, and everyone finishes their drinks. The odds of this are 2.7%. On to the next game!
If a player rolls a 1 and a pair ON THE FIRST ROLL ONLY, the player to their left and their right have to go back one square. The roller can then continue with their next two rolls keeping one die from that first roll.
If a player rolls a total of 16 ON THE FIRST ROLL ONLY, the player MUST select someone to trade places with. This is true, even if the Sweet16 roller is in the lead. Tough break.
If a player rolls a total of 7 ON THE FIRST ROLL ONLY, the player can begin or end a rule. This can be a drinking rule, social rule, vocab rule, behavior rule and so on. Be creative and use the Lucky7 wisely!
If a player rolls three 6s over the process of their three turns, everyone finishes their drink and play continues. Also, they may select anyone on the board to go back one space.
If a player rolls 5 or under over the process of their three turns, they may move ahead 2 squares. They may strategically do this whenever they want.
If a player rolls 3 of a kind over the process of their three turns, they may select anyone on the board to go back one space. Sucks to be that guy. Remember, if they are all 6s, everyone also finishes their drinks.
Needed: 3 dice, board, moving pieces, booze