If Muskiewear was a band, this bet is their digitally remastered Greatest Hits Album!

Similar to our Masters Madness, there will be tiers you will be choosing for NASCAR.

Similar to our MNF, you will rank your picks after you make them. 
You only get those points if your picks are correct.
 No points are deducted if your picks are incorrect. 

Similar to our Weekend Warrior, you do not have to cover the spreads. 
Just choose the outright winners. 

The gambler with the highest point total wins!

The tie breaker will be COMBINED HITS in the Monday Twins game.
Welcome to Muskiewear.com's
Step 1: Your Name

Step 2: Pay Meyer $10 per entry.

Step 3: Enter your 9 picks, 9 wages and 1 tie breaker (ABOVE)

Step 4: Hit Submit
Many weather related games - so if the one we are gambling on is postponed, we will use the very next game. 
As with other games on Muskiewear, a tie is a loss.
Double check for errors in wins and scoring. 
DUE FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024 @ 5pm
DUE FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024 @ 5pm
Use each number only once when waging your points! 
Your "lock" should get 9 points, and your biggest guess should get 1.
Timmay the Greek 
wins $90
Please check for errors.