Welcome to Muskiewear.com's latest NFL game, Lucky25!
Here's how it works:
32 gamblers will randomly be assigned one NFL team
Entry fee is $100 per player
If your team lands on EXACTLY 25 points when the GAME ENDS, you win!
Each week the pot is $170.
If no one wins, it will be carried over to the next week. (Like our parlay.)
If there is more than one winner, the pot is chopped. This includes a tie at 25.

Here's how it ends:
Week 18
Hopefully, someone gets a Lucky25 and wins the pot!
But, if no one does, we use 19 as the winner.
Anyone who had their team score exactly 19 on any given week throughout the season would get a share of the week 18 pot - like Kanuch did in week 1. If their team hit 19 twice during the season, they would get 2 shares, and so on. 
This pool ends after week 18.
​Shout out to Love Boat for running the logistics!


2024-25 Lucky25 Teams.  
$170 each week for payouts. 
Carryover if there is no winner!
Here is how you got your team.
Big Weez and RVanyo each win $170 on a 2 week carryover
Week 18 is $170

If no one lands a 25, everyone who hit a 19 gets a split of the pot.