Welcome to the 50/50 Raflle page!
 If you made it to this page, 
then you know how amazing the Durand family is!

And since you are on this website, you are hereby required by some 
penal code, state statute 
or community bylaw to gamble, I think.
Luckily for you,
I have the perfect idea:
the 50/50 raffle.
Please consider participating in muskiewear's 50 / 50 raffle.

You've seen them before, this is nothing new.

The one difference for this one is how to enter. 

You are not purchasing a ticket, but rather registering below. 

Simply Venmo brianmeyer@muskiewear (last four is 7100) to enter.
​Put in "50/50" or "Cully" in the notes!

It is $10 per entry, and you can enter as many times as you would like!

All entries will be on a wheel generator (like shown below), with one lucky

 winner being announced at 8pm live at the benefit on April 12.
1. Enter the name(s) you want entered. 
One name per box, $10 per entry.
2. Send $10 per entry to the Venmo:
brianmeyer@muskiewear    7100

Put in "50/50" or "Cully" in the notes!
3. Hit submit.
If you see a picture of Cully, you're all set!
Each entry will be entered in a "Wheel of Names" generator,
similar to this one. 
One lucky entry will win 50% of the pot on 
April 12th at 8pm.
You gamble.

They win.

Muskiewear.com, including this 50/50 raffle, is not affiliated or associated with Lend a Hand Up in any way.
To help #teamdurand through Lend a Hand Up, you can click on the icon below.
You gamble.

They win.
